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Five for Free

This is a friendly reminder to those who haven’t yet signed up for our latest Goodreads giveaway. The prizes are five signed copies of our first Ione D steampunk adventure, “Miss Ione D and the Mayan Marvel.” If you’re not already a member, Arlys and I urge you to go to Goodreads.com and sign up. It’s free and it gives you access to book news, forums, reviews and of course giveaways.
If you’re like me, you may be hesitant to sign up for free stuff for fear that your email address will be harvested and you’ll get lots of spam. Fear not, because Goodreads is a reputable site with strict rules against that sort of thing. Secondly, Mayan Marvel is a quick read, only a bit over 100 pages. It’s not a huge time commitment. As always, however, we humbly request that you go to Amazon and give us a review, even if it’s only one sentence. We’d greatly appreciate it!


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