Studio Gonzo’s 2003 anime series Last Exile (written and directed by Koichi Chigira) is one of the few examples of Dieselpunk in popular culture. Dieselpunk is Steampunk’s lesser-known cousin, a genre that embraces the technologies and styles of the 1920’s through 1940’s. It’s also one of those rare instances of an anime which serves as […]
Tag: Anime
Yet Another Vampire Series: Shiki
In 2008, when Twilight hit the big screen, vampire stories were everywhere. I was getting pretty sick of them. Even publishers wouldn’t buy vampire books. Yet the vampire legend, like the creatures that people it, refuses to die. The Japanese are just as intrigued with the concept and have produced several vampire series in anime […]
Batman Ninja!
We all love mashups – the combination of characters and elements that are not supposed to be together. They don’t happen often, outside of unofficial fan fiction, due to the logistics of copyrights and such. But sometimes there’s an idea that’s so cool it has to be made. One of those ideas was to combine […]
New Anime Review – The Ancient Magus’ Bride
Anime by Mag Garden, Written by Kore Yamazuki and Aya Takaha, directed by Norihiro Naganuma. Being big fans of anime, Arlys and I are always looking for new shows to watch. Though there are dozens of new series every season, very few are serious shows aimed at adults. Last summer we were surprised to hear […]
Fresh Anime Adventure – “Made in Abyss”
“Made in Abyss” is a recent anime series from Kinema Citrus, first aired in 2017. It is based on a manga by Akihito Tsukushi which began in 2012. I wouldn’t call it steampunk, but it’s more steampunk in spirit than many stories that claim that label. It has a Victorian-era feel, with nineteenth-century technology, exploited […]
Anime Greats – Arlys and I Pick Our Top Fives
One of the great things about the Internet is the opportunity to experience shows and movies from around the world. A few years ago, my son Lowell introduced Arlys and me to Japanese animation (anime) and we became serious fans. These shows are not cartoons in the American sense. Many are aimed at adults with […]