In 1970, renowned science fiction Isaac Asimov published his 100th book, and called it Opus 100, which refers to either a literary work or composition, or a large-beaked penguin.* I doubt I will ever catch up with him, since he wrote over 500 books, including both non-fiction and fiction. At least I shall exceed him in blog posts since he died in 1992 when the World Wide Web was still in its infancy. In any case, Huzzah! I’ve made it to my 100th blog post in 101 days.**
My goal when I started the Steampunk Desperado website was to get more readers by posting on a daily basis for at least the first 100 days. A writer friend remarked that it takes about 100 posts for a blog to get noticed, so I thought, why not get that out of the way?
Now that I’ve (sort of) achieved that I intend to slack off to a three-times-weekly schedule. I may write more item when the fancy strikes me, but for now, I intend to spend more time reading, commenting on, and hopefully guest-posting for the blogs of my fellow authors.
Here’s a little statistical analysis, which may interest those with an autistic obsession with numbers.
These 100 posts have included:
Posts about our book releases, giveaways and promotions – 24
Reviews of books, film, TV, music – 19
Historical & anniversaries – 18
Holidays and seasonal topics – 10
Writing tips and methods – 7
Ione D’s recipes (ghost-written by Arlys) – 6
Arlys’ posts, Victorian fashion & culture – 5
General posts on sci-fi and steampunk – 4
Serialized fiction – 4
Miscellaneous topics (including this one) – 3
I must admit that of those 100 posts, about half are reposts of articles Arlys and I wrote for my previous blog “Sci-Fi and Sedition,” the Phoenix Publishing and Book Promotion blog, and Arlys’ Facebook page. Since our previous posts were pretty sporadic, I don’t believe a lot of people read them. Although this helped a lot, we did have to update, edit, and revise most of those.
We hope you’ve enjoyed these posts and that you will continue reading. Please tell all your friends (your nerdy ones, at least) about
** I missed two days and doubled up on one. So sue me.