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Category: History

Happy Birthday, Harry Houdini

Harry Houdini, the world-famous illusionist and stunt performer, was born on this day in 1874 in Budapest, Hungary. His real name was Erik Weisz. His best-known acts involved escaping from impossible situations such as being chained upside-down in a tank of water. Erik’s family emigrated to the US in 1878, where his father served as […]

Happy St. Paddy’s Day

We Americans have a tradition of turning minor ethnic holidays into major excuses to party. St. Patrick’s was just another Catholic feast day to commemorate the man who, according to tradition, brought Christianity to Ireland. Now it’s become a festival of drink and debauchery – not that I object to that sort of thing, within […]

Lincoln’s Birthday Review – Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter

Today would be the 209th birthday of Abraham Lincoln, our 16th president. Though revered as a secular saint in the USA, his legacy is hotly debated among my fellow libertarians. Thus I’ve decided that instead of writing about the historical Lincoln, I’d review the 2012 alternate-history fantasy film Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter which was directed […]