Flowers of Evil (Aku no Hana) is a 2013 animated series from the studio Zexcs based on a manga by Shuzo Oshimi with a screenplay by Aki Itami. Though Arlys and I are big anime fans, this is not the kind of show we usually watch. It features middle school students with no powers or […]
Category: Anime
Review, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Discuss anime with non-fans and they’ll often mention shows like Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, and One Piece. These are examples of the fighting/action “shonen” genre directed at teenage and younger boys. Usually, I roll my eyes at these examples of “kid’s stuff.” Anime is so much more than that. Yet there’s an exception to […]
Batman Ninja!
We all love mashups – the combination of characters and elements that are not supposed to be together. They don’t happen often, outside of unofficial fan fiction, due to the logistics of copyrights and such. But sometimes there’s an idea that’s so cool it has to be made. One of those ideas was to combine […]
New Anime Review – The Ancient Magus’ Bride
Anime by Mag Garden, Written by Kore Yamazuki and Aya Takaha, directed by Norihiro Naganuma. Being big fans of anime, Arlys and I are always looking for new shows to watch. Though there are dozens of new series every season, very few are serious shows aimed at adults. Last summer we were surprised to hear […]
Fresh Anime Adventure – “Made in Abyss”
“Made in Abyss” is a recent anime series from Kinema Citrus, first aired in 2017. It is based on a manga by Akihito Tsukushi which began in 2012. I wouldn’t call it steampunk, but it’s more steampunk in spirit than many stories that claim that label. It has a Victorian-era feel, with nineteenth-century technology, exploited […]
Oddities of Steampunk Anime – Clockwork Planet
Clockwork Planet is a 2017 anime by Xebec based on a 2013 light novel series by Yuu Kamiya and Tsubaki Himana. This looked like a good prospect when I chanced upon it online. Sadly, there were no steam engines, airships or goggles. Its summary describes it not as steampunk but “clockpunk.” The show’s premise is […]
Spotlight on Steampunk in Anime – Howl’s Moving Castle (Hauru no Ugoku Shiro)
This animated masterpiece by Hayao Miyazaki is based on a 1986 novel by British author Diana Wynne Jones. It might best be described as a crossover between steampunk and urban fantasy since it has many supernatural elements. It takes place in an alternate universe much like ours, where war is erupting between rival nations. The […]